This is not a research paper, per se. Its more like a report. Treat it as if you were a police administrator of some sort who was tasked with coming up with a new strategy, either on police patrol or special tactical units. Emphasized you can use many bullet points within this report.
* allow a minimum of 3 external references .
You do need to cite them at the end of your report as well as provide in-text references. In other words, you should have a works cited page (though you dont need to create a separate page, just list them at the end). I am not so concerned that you are following APA or some other guidelines, but generally you need to include the author names, title of their written work, journal name in which it appeared (or book name), and the year. If its a book you should also include the publishers name (e.g. Oxford University Press, Cengage, etc)Directions:
Below are three questions for your consideration that are based upon police policy considerations. Select ONE question to answer and write a two and one-half to three-page (2 to 3)report (double spaced) in which you demonstrate your understanding of the topic/question.~ 1. The police practice of using high-powered vehicles to chase speeding motorists has resulted innumerous accidents, injuries, and deaths of innocent civilians, police officers, and pursued drivers. With the rise of lawsuits, injuries, and deaths, many police departments are reevaluating their pursuit policies. The California Highway Patrol conducted a study and concluded that although there are risks in high-speed pursuits, the results are worth the risks. Some police agencies are now telling their officers to discontinue a pursuit under certain conditions or that certain conditions must exist to even start a pursuit. Many departments have been criticized for their high-speed pursuits. Please write a report in which you identify the core issues of police pursuit, its criticisms and defenses, while summarizing what you think we should do about this issue if you were in a decision-making capacity.~ 2. Patrol is known as the foundation of the police department. Patrol is where most sworn personnel are assigned and carry out the mission of the police agency. More than 60 percent of sworn personnel in municipal law enforcement are in uniform and assigned to respond to calls for service. The patrol officer is the police departments generalist and foremost representative to the public. Half of the time that officers are on patrol they are responding to calls for service and/or initiating contacts. The other half of the time is uncommitted time that is devoted to driving the patrol car in a beat. According to research, this uncommitted time is not contributing to the reduction of crime or to citizens perception that they are safer because the police are driving around. Uncommitted time should probably be devoted to activities with more specific objectives than routine patrol. .Please write a report in which you identify the core issues of about police patrol, whether it is effective in reducing crime or not and what can be done to improve it. You should approach your report as if you were in a decision making capacity or trying to influence someone who has to make a, sensible, and efficient decision on how to structure police patrol in their department.~ 3. One type of police work that has increased greatly in recent years includes special weapons and tactical teams and emergency services units. SWAT teams and ESUs address specific emergency and lifesaving situations that regular officers on routine patrol do not have the time or expertise to handle. In addition, K-9 units are a supplement to the patrol force that greatly enhance police response and efforts to keep citizens and officers safe. Write a report in which you outline what special operations do and how they can be effective in fighting crime and how they can also cause problems (there are drawbacks).
research paper,

research paper

research paper